Southern Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery is a Specialist Practice based in Mornington, Victoria, Australia and consists of a friendly and professional team of surgeons and their support staff. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery is the surgical specialty that deals with the diagnosis, surgical and adjunctive treatment of diseases, injuries and defects in the Oral and Maxillofacial regions (the facial skeleton and its associated structures). Being a speciality at the interface of Medicine and Dentistry, contemporary Maxillofacial Surgeons hold a Medical Degree, a Dental Degree and have completed their specialist surgical training (16 years of training).
Patients are generally referred to the practice by either their Doctor or Dentist and are usually seen for an initial consultation at which time a thorough history of their problem is taken as well as a medical history. Special tests such as radiographs (Xrays), scans or blood tests may be required to assist in diagnosis. Sometimes for complex problems further consultations are required. When a diagnosis is determined treatment options are discussed including the benefits and risks and recovery times. If surgery is chosen, then anaesthetic options and venues are discussed.